Thứ Bảy, 5 tháng 12, 2015

808. God the Father: I promised the world the Book of Truth and I never go back on My Holy Word

808. God the Father: I promised the world the Book of Truth and I never go back on My Holy Word

THE BOOK OF TRUTH - Message 808

The Book of the Truth - God Father to Mary Divine Mercy - MDM Last Prophet - Messages given to a European woman to prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Sunday, May 26th, 2013, 14:45

My dearest daughter, My beloved children are in disarray at this time. I wish to tell them, and especially those who doubt these Divine Messages given to you because I love them, that they must not fear.

Fear creates doubt. Doubt creates confusion. Confusion can lead to unease and, eventually, you will be blinded to the Truth. The Truth will never be easy to accept, for the Truth reveals the good and the bad. No one wants to hear the bad and rather than accept the direction given to the world through My Wishes humanity will cower in fear.

I send My prophets to remind you of My Infinite Love for every one of My precious children. I also send them to warn you of the obstacles, which will be placed before you by the evil one to take you away from Me. When I reveal these things, it is not to upset you, but to save you and to keep you from harm.

The Truth given to you in My Holy Book, the Bible, is there for you to see. Do not take it and create your own version, for it is not My Desire that you twist the Truth. I promised the world the Book of Truth and I never go back on My Holy Word. This I give you now, so that I can gather My children from the four corners of the Earth. My enemies will try to stop the spread of the contents in the Book of Truth. Do not allow them to distract you, as when this happens souls will be lost to Me.

Be thankful that I, your beloved Father, give you this great Gift, as you will need My Direction, especially now, as the antichrist will now be presented for the world to see. You will, through the Book of Truth, be shown how to protect your souls from the contamination he has planned to inflict upon the world. Every protection is being given to you to help save, not only your own souls, but the souls of billions.

The Remnant Army will be given the greatest powers to defeat the beast. It will be strong enough to do this, so never feel disheartened when My enemies try to prevent you from multiplying across all nations. Their power will be quashed and those who are weak and accept the lies, which will be presented to them, soon, in the Name of My Son, will be lost to Me. Only through your love for Me and My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and by the Power of the Holy Spirit can all of My children be saved.

I will protect you and guard you at all times. Uplift your souls to Me through your allegiance to My Son and you will be given the most Glorious Gift of My New Paradise.

Let no one stop you from claiming your rightful Inheritance. Let no one stop you from fighting for the souls of all My children, for you are being given the Graces necessary to save even the souls of those who offend Me the most. I love you, children. I await your response to this Call from Heaven.

Your beloved Father

Link : Thebookoftruth

Daniel 10:21 Nhưng ta sắp báo cho ngươi biết điều đã ghi chép trong sách sự thật. Không một ai hiệp lực với ta chống lại các vị đó, ngoại trừ thiên sứ Mi-ca-en, tướng lãnh của các ngươi.

Daniel 12: 8-10 Tôi nghe mà không hiểu. Tôi liền nói: "Thưa ngài, cuối cùng những điều ấy sẽ như thế nào? "9 Người đáp: "Không sao, Đa-ni-en, những lời ấy được giữ kín và niêm phong cho đến thời cùng tận.10 Nhiều kẻ sẽ được thanh luyện, tẩy trắng và thử bằng lửa. Ác nhân tiếp tục làm điều ác và không ai trong họ sẽ hiểu, còn hiền sĩ thì sẽ hiểu